

經過跟父母的溝通後發現 很多事情無法體會 所以可能會說出一些話傷到對方 所以青少年時期沒有跟父母溝通 搞不好也是對的選擇 逃避說出一些傷人的話 現在我也採取這種方式


how to present like jobs

* set the theme
* make your theme clear and consistent.
* provide the outline.
* one more thing...
* create the headline that sets the direction for your meeting
* open and close each section with a clear transition.
* make it easy for your listener to follow your story.
* show your enthusiasm.
* wow your audience.
* sell an experience.
* make numbers and statistics meaningful.
* make it visual.
(one or two pictures per slide)
* Identify your memorable moment and build up to it.
* rehearse, rehearse and rehearse.
* add the bonus for your audience.